The January 2011 Daring Bakers’ challenge was hosted by Astheroshe of the blog accro. She chose to challenge everyone to make a Biscuit Joconde Imprime to wrap around an Entremets dessert.
I'll admit, this is a really cool idea and I can't believe I didn't think of it before! Drawing your design straight into your cake is genius! I chose a simple swirl design and printed it out to place under the parchment paper and just traced/piped the design right there. I'm not secure enough to freehand pipe anything, so the fact that I could trace this was a major plus in my book! I chose to just fill my entremet with some chocolate mousse since the sponge cake recipe was a bit on the dry side. It ended up tasting like a chocolate cream pie cake! :) I definitely want to experiment with some of my own sponge cake recipes and see if I can use this technique in other recipes, because this was awesome!